Word 2016 Intermediate

Word 2016

Lesson 12 – Using the Navigation pane

8. Select the Less button

to collapse the Search Options section, if


9. Select the Find Next button


10. Select the Replace button

to replace the current occurrence with

the replacement text, Replace All

to replace all occurrences with

the replacement text, or Find Next

to skip the current occurrence.

11. Select the OK button

when Word has completed the search.

12. Select the Cancel

button when you have finished replacing text.

S TEP - BY -S TEP Use the Replace feature to replace text in a document.

If necessary, go to the top of the document.


Practice Data

1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Search Document field. The find menu opens.


2. Select Replace.


The Find and Replace dialog box appears with the Replace tab active .

3. Type the text you want to find in the Find what field. The text appears in the Find what field.

Type oral

4. Select the Replace with field.

Press [Tab]

The insertion point appears in the Replace with field.

5. Type the desired replacement text. The text appears in the Replace with field.

Type verbal

6. Select More .


The Find and Replace dialog box expands to display the Search Options section.


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