Word 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 12 – Using the Navigation pane
Word 2016
Practice Data
7. Select the Search list.
A list of available search directions appears.
8. Select the direction you want to search. The direction appears in the Search field. 9. Select Less to collapse the Search Options section, if desired.
Click All
The Search Options section collapses.
10. Select Find Next .
The first occurrence of the search text in the document is highlighted.
11. Select Replace to replace the current occurrence with the replacement text, Replace All to replace all occurrences with the replacement text, or Find Next to skip the current occurrence. The text is replaced or skipped and the next occurrence is highlighted, or a Microsoft Office Word message box notifies you that it has finished searching the document. 12. Select OK when Word completes the search. The Microsoft Office Word message box closes. 13. Select Cancel when you finish replacing text. The Find and Replace dialog box closes.
Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text.
Select the Browse by Page button (bottom row, first button on the right) from the Select Browse Object gallery to reset the Previous Page and Next Page buttons. Close FIND.DOCX.
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