Word 2016 Tracking Changes Explained
Lesson 2 – Protecting a Document
Word 2016
Formatting Restrictions dialog box
NOTE If the document is restricted to selected styles, only those styles appear in the Styles group on the Home tab and in the Styles task pane. It is advisable to use strong passwords that comprise eight or more characters. Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Passwords are case sensitive. It is important to choose a password that you will remember; if you forget the password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it.
1. Open the Restrict Editing task pane.
2. To limit formatting, select the Limit formatting to a selection of styles option under Formatting restrictions.
3. Select the Settings link to select the desired styles.
4. Deselect the styles you want to restrict.
5. Select the styles people can use.
6. Select
7. If a message box opens, select
to remove the styles that are not
allowed or
to leave them in the document.
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