Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge
Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge
Word 2016
Select options for a grouped merge field
NOTE Buttons available on the Mailings tab in the Write & Insert Fields group for inserting an address block or a greeting line. You can also use the bottom part of the Insert Merge Field button to quickly insert an individual field, or select the top part of the button to open the Insert Merge Field dialog box. The Format address according to the destination country/region option in the Insert Address Block dialog box formats international addresses with the correct layout for the recipient’s country. When inserting a grouped merge field, it is always worth double-checking that Word inserted the correct fields in the correct order. For example, some address fields in your data source might be named in ways that Word does not recognize. Therefore, Word might leave them out of an address block. Alternatively, Word may interpret the names of other fields in ways that you do not expect, and include them where they do not belong.
P ROCEDURES 1. Under Step 3 of 6 , select the Next: Write your letter link. 2. Position the insertion point in the main document where you want to insert a grouped merge field.
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