Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge
Word 2016
Lesson 1 – Using Mail Merge
3. Under Write your letter , select the link for the grouped merge field you want to insert. 4. Select or deselect the desired options. 5. To preview other addresses from your recipient list, use the arrow above the Preview field. . 7. Position the insertion point where you want to insert an individual merge field. 8. Under Write your letter , select the More items link 9. Select the desired field. 6. Select
10. Select
11. Select
S TEP - BY -S TEP Insert merge fields into a document.
Practice Data
1. Under Step 3 of 6 , select the Next: Write your letter link. Step 4 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Position the insertion point in the main document where you want to insert a grouped merge field. The insertion point moves to the new location. 3. Under Write your letter , select the link for the grouped merge field you want to insert. The Insert Address Block dialog box opens. 4. Select or deselect the desired options. The options are selected or deselected accordingly and a preview of the first address in your recipient list is displayed on the right.
Click Next: Write your letter
Press [Ctrl+Home] , if necessary
Click Mr. Josh Randall Jr. in the Insert recipient’s name in this format list
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