Word 2016 Practical Mail Merge

Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Merging Mailing Labels and Directories


Select label options.


Practice Data

1. Under Step 1 of 6 , select the Next: Starting document link. Step 2 of 6 appears in the Mail Merge task pane. 2. Under Select starting document , select the Change document layout option. The Change document layout option is selected.

Click Next: Starting document

Click Change document layout , if necessary

3. Under Change document layout , select the Label options link.


The Label Options dialog box appears.

4. Under Printer information , select the desired printer type. The printer type is selected.


Page printers , if


5. Select the Tray list.

Click Tray

A list of available options appears.

6. Select the desired option from the Tray list. The selected option appears in the Tray field.

Click the option indicated by your instructor

7. Select the Label vendors list.

Click Label vendors

A list of available vendors appears.

8. Select the desired label vendor. The selected vendor appears in the Label vendors box. 9. Select the desired product number from the Product number list box. The product number is selected and the Label information appears.

Click Avery US Letter

Scroll as necessary and click 5159 Mailing Labels

10. Select OK .


The Label Options dialog box closes and blank labels appear in the main document.


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