Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Outlook 2016
Lesson – Customizing Views
Practice Data
13. Select Add .
The fields appear in the Show these fields in this order list box.
14. Select the first field you want to remove from the custom view from the Show these fields in this order list box. The field is selected. 15. Select any additional fields you want to remove. The fields are selected.
Click Mailing Address
Hold [Shift] and click Home Fax
16. Select Remove .
The fields are removed from the Show these fields in this order list box and appear in the Available fields list box.
17. Select OK .
The Show Columns dialog box closes.
18. After selecting all desired view settings, select OK .
The Customize View:
19. Select Close or Apply View .
The Custom View Organizer dialog box closes.
Notice that the Internet Cards view is added to the Current View pane in the Navigation Pane. Display the Internet Cards view, if necessary. After you review the custom view, switch to the Business Cards view.
Practice the Concept: Open the Custom View Organizer, select Internet Cards , then select Modify . Select Filter and the Advanced tab. Create a criteria that displays only those items with a Web Page field (under Frequently-used fields ) that is not empty and add it to the list of criteria. Close all dialog boxes and switch to the Internet Cards view. Notice that only items meeting the filter criteria appear. Then, switch back to the Business Cards view.
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