SharePoint 2016 End User

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 4 – Integrating with Microsoft Office



Create major and minor (draft) versions

Numbered versions of documents are saved using major and minor versioning scheme. Versions ending in .0 are major versions. All users can read major versions and users with permissions can read minor versions. An example of where this might be useful is on a human resources site where employees might be allowed to see major versions, but only HR staff could see minor versions.

W ORKING WITH P REVIOUS V ERSIONS IN O FFICE A PPLICATIONS When you open a previous version of a document, the Office application warns you that the document is a previous version and gives you the option of comparing this version to the current version, or restoring this version to make it the current version. D OCUMENT C HECK I N AND C HECK O UT IN S HARE P OINT Site owners can require that documents are checked out of a SharePoint document library before they can be edited. When a document is checked out, it is locked for exclusive editing by that user. Other site users see a visual representation that the document is checked out. The user who has the document checked out can save changes without checking the document back in. Those changes are not visible to other users. After the document is checked back in, a new version of the document is created and becomes visible to other users. Microsoft Office applications integrate with SharePoint Check Out and Check In, allowing users to perform document check-out, undo check-outs, and check-ins from the Office applications.

Figure 5 – 2: Checked out documents in SharePoint.


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