SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 2 – Assigning Permissions and Access Rights
TOPIC B: S ECURE L ISTS , L IBRARIES , AND D OCUMENTS Now that the default permissions for the site have been configured, and users have been added to access lists for the site, you should now configure any sensitive content, lists, or libraries that need unique permissions. In this topic, you will configure list, library, and document permissions. S ECURITY O PTIONS FOR L ISTS , L IBRARIES , F OLDERS , I TEMS , AND D OCUMENTS A site owner or administrator has similar permission configuration options available for lists, libraries, folders, items, and documents.
CONFIGURE FROM Ribbon List or Library tab, Settings Group List or Library Settings
List and Library: Inheriting from parent
The follow permission management options are available:
Manage Parent
• • •
Stop Inheriting Permissions
Check Permissions
List and Library: Inheritance blocked
The follow permission management options are available:
Delete Unique Permissions Grant Permissions Edit User Permissions Remove User Permissions
• • • • •
Check Permissions
Folder, Item and Document: Both
ItemProperties— Shared With— Advanced
Same as for list and library permissions, respectively.
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