SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists
SharePoint 2016
Before You Begin You should be logged into your Human Resources site. Scenario
You have added a task list to your SharePoint site. Now you need SharePoint to automatically notify team members when new tasks have been assigned to them and ensure the Start date in a future date and the Due date is after the Start date. In this activity, you will enable task Email Notifications and add Data Validation.
1) Enable Task List Email Notifications. a) In the Quick Launch, click HR Assignments . b) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. c) Under General Settings, click Advanced Settings . d) Under E-mail Notification, select Yes . e) Click OK . 2) Configure Validation Settings. a) Under General Settings, click Validation Settings b) Under Formula, type =and( c) Under Insert Column, double-click Start Date d) Click at the end of the formula and type >=TODAY(), e) Under Insert Column, double-click Start Date f) Click at the end of the formula and type <=
g) Under Insert Column, double-click Due Date h) Click at the end of the formula and type ) i) Under User Message, type Ensure the Start Date is today or later and the Due Date is after the Start Date. j) Click OK .
3) Assign new task. a) In the Quick Launch, click HR Assignments . b) Click the +new task button. c) Observe the Information Bar across the top.
d) Enter the following information: i) Task Name: Send out seminar registration form to all staff ii) Start Date: Enter next Wednesday iii) Due Date: Enter next Tuesday iv) Assigned To: Enter your partner assigned to you by your instructor e) Click Save . f) Observe the Validation message in red. g) Change the Due Date to next Thursday. h) Click Save .
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