SharePoint 2016 Site Owners

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists

TOPIC C: M ANAGING L IST C OLUMNS Now that you have added various lists to your site, you notice several unnecessary columns and have additional columns you’d like to add. In this topic, we will manage list columns. S ITE C OLUMNS VS . L IST C OLUMNS You can create columns in two places: lists and at the site. When you create a column in a list, that column is available only to that list. If you create a column at the site level, on the Site Settings page, then that column is available for any list or library in your site. You should create columns at the site level, if you anticipate they will be used on more than one list or site. T YPES OF C OLUMNS When creating a new column, you have several options to choose from under The type of information in this column is section. The following table describes the types of column information you can select.



Single line of text

Provides a single line for text entry. You can specify a maximum number of characters and apply column validation to this type of column. Provides multiple lines for text entry. You can configure the number of lines provided, and configure for plain or rich text. Column validation is not an option for this type of column. Allows you to configure a choice selection (either a drop-down box, radio button, or check boxes) for selection choices that you configure. Column validation is available for this type of column. Provides for entry of numbers. You can configure a minimum and maximum value, the number of decimal places to make visible, and whether the field is entered or calculated. Column validation is available for this type of column. Provides for entry of currency numbers. You can configure a minimum and maximum value, the number of decimal places to make visible, and whether the field is entered or calculated, and the currency format. Column validation is available for this type of column. Provides for entry of date or date and time. You can configure the display format, configure a default value, or specify a calculated value Column validation is available for this type of column.

Multiple lines of text

Choice (menu to choose from)



Date and Time


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