SharePoint 2016 Site Owners
Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists
SharePoint 2016
Lookup (information already on the site)
Allows you to populate the contents of the column from data present in another part of the SharePoint site. You can select the list or library and the associated column to look up the information from. You can add columns to show additional fields from the lookup, and configure relationship behavior to restrict deletion (since the data being displayed was entered in a different list or library) or cascade deletion, effectively passing a deletion from this list to the source list. Column validation is not available for this column.
Yes/No (check box)
Provides a Yes or No check box.
Person or Group Allows you to display people or groups in the column. You can configure the column to display people, or people and groups. You can configure where users are derived from (all users or SharePoint groups) in the site, and how to display the field (as a user name, a name with presence, or a picture). There are many uses for this. In one example, you might add this field to an internal contact list to allow people to view presence information and quickly contact those resources over messaging. Content validation is not available in this column.
Hyperlink or picture
Allows you to capture a hyperlink (URL) or picture. You can choose to display the column as a hyperlink or picture. Creates a column that displays the result of a calculation performed on the contents of other columns (for example, to total two number columns). You can select columns to calculate, enter a formula for the calculation, and determine how the result should be displayed (number, currency, etc.). Column validation is not available for this column. Calculated columns will be covered in more detail later in this lesson. Creates a column similar to the Task Status field in task lists. You can specify status choices and set a default choice. Creates a column that enables users to select values from a specific term set of managed terms (keywords) and apply these values to their content. You can map to an existing term set or term, or create a new term set specifically for a Managed Metadata column. Using managed metadata helps keep metadata consistent across sites by providing a list of terms for all users to apply to their content. Terms are stored in the term store that is managed by SharePoint Administrators.
Calculated (calculation based on other columns)
Task Outcome
Managed Metadata
C ALCULATED C OLUMNS Calculated columns creates a column that displays the result of a calculation performed on the contents of other columns. Calculated columns are often compared to formulas in Excel spreadsheets. There are many potential uses for this, such as totaling columns or performing some other calculation based on information in other columns in the list or site. For example, an
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