SharePoint 2016 Site Owners

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists


Before You Begin You should be logged into your Human Resources site. Scenario

You would like to change the settings of the Category columns in the Events Schedule calendar as well as remove unnecessary columns and add additional required columns from the Directors contact list. In this activity, you will manage list columns.

1) Configure Column Settings. a) In the Quick Launch, click Events Schedule . b) Click the Calendar tab and click the List Settings button. c) Scroll down to Columns . d) Under Columns, click Category . e) Under Type each choice on a separate line, remove Get-together , Gifts , Birthday and Anniversary . f)

Add Events and Training in separate lines. g) Under Allow 'Fill-in' choices, select No . h) Click OK .

2) Test new configurations. a) In the Quick Launch, click Events Schedule . b) Navigate and click next month’s Effective Communication Seminar .

c) On from View tab, click Edit Item . d) Under Category, select Training . e) Click Save .

3) Remove unnecessary columns.

a) In the Quick Launch, click Directors . b) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. c) Scroll down to Columns . d) Under Columns, click Full Name . e) Scroll down and click Delete . f) Click OK . g) Also delete Home Phone, Address , City , State/Providence , Zip/Postal Code , Country/Region and Webpage . a) In the Quick Launch, click Directors . b) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. c) Scroll down to Columns . d) Under Columns, click Create Column . e) Under Column name, type Business Phone Ext . f) Unser The type of information in this column in , ensure Single line of text is selected. g) Click OK .

4) Add required columns.


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