SharePoint 2016 Site Owners

SharePoint 2016

Lesson 4 – Adding and Configuring Lists


Data Files C:\Student\SharePoint2013\Adding and Configuring List \Training Registrations.xlsx.

Before You Begin You should be logged into your Human Resources site. Scenario

The Human Resources team had already started to keep track of training registrations in an Excel spreadsheet. Going forward, they would like to track it in a SharePoint list without having to retype all the information they already collected. They also need to track yearly employee performance reviews. In this activity, you import data from a spreadsheet and create a custom list.

1) Add and rename a custom list by Importing a Spreadsheet. a) In SharePoint, select Site contents from the Quick Launch.

b) Under List, Libraries and other Apps, select add an app . c) Click in the Find an app field, type import and press Enter . d) Select the Import Spreadsheet tile. e) In the Name field, type trainingregistrations . f) Under File location , click Browse . g) Navigate and select C:\Student\SharePoint2013\Adding and Configuring List \Training Registrations.xlsx. h) Click Open . i) Click Import . j) The Training Registrations Excel file should have opened with the Import to Windows SharePoint Services list. Activate the Excel window by clicking the Excel icon on the Status bar if necessary. k) Under Range Type , ensure Table Range is selected. l) Under Select Range , select Sheet 1!Registrations . m) Click Import . n) In SharePoint, select Site contents from the Quick Launch. o) Under List, Library, and other Apps , click trainingregistrations . p) Observe “trainingregistrations” I the URL. q) Click the List tab and click the List Settings button. r) Under General Settings, click List name, description and navigation . s) Clear out the Name field and type Training Registrations . t) In the Display this document library on the Quick Launch? field, select Yes . u) In the Quick Launch, click Training Registrations . v) Observe “trainingregistrations” I the URL.

2) Create a custom list. a) In SharePoint, select Site contents from the Quick Launch. b) Under List, Libraries and other Apps, select add an app . c) Select the Custom List tile.


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