SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced
SharePoint 2016
Lesson 3 – Configuring Site Settings, Navigation and Search
TOPIC B: C ONFIGURE THE T OP L INK B AR Once you have several SharePoint sites and subsites you may need to configure the links that navigate you throughout the SharePoint hierarchy. In this topic, you will configure the Top Link bar. T OP L INK B AR C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS The Top Link bar provides an area across the top of the page above the site title. Generally, it contains links to the subsites of the site you are currently in. The site owner however can add links to other pages, content structures or webpages if needed. T OP L INK B AR I NHERITANCE In many cases a you may want to standardize navigation and make it consistent across a site and its subsites. A subsite can inherit its parent site’s Top Link bar. If so, you want to ensure the parent site has a link to its own homepage so user can navigate back to it from the subsite inheriting the Top Link bar.
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