SharePoint 2016 Site Owners Advanced

Lesson 3 – Configuring Site Settings, Navigation and Search

SharePoint 2016

TOPIC C: P ROVIDE N AVIGATION WITH A L INKS L IST Your team has a large number resource they want to provide links to but does not want to clutter the Top Links bar or Quick Launch. In this topic, you will create a links list and add it to the homepage. L INKS L IST AS A N AVIGATIONAL E LEMENT When managing your SharePoint site’s navigation, there is a balance between making the required resources readily accessible to your team without not cluttering up your navigation. If you add too many links in the navigation elements it will become cluttered and difficult to use, resulting in your team not using the SharePoint site. You want to keep the links in the Top Link bar and Quick Launch to the absolute essentials that are needed for your team to use your site in the day to day basis. When your team needs to provide a lengthy set of links to resources, it is recommended to add a Links list. That way you can add as many links without cluttering up your site’s navigation. You can even add the web part to the homepage so the links list if easily accessed.

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