Cisco WebEx Training QRG - Facilitator2
Cisco WebEx Training QRG - Facilitator2
Cisco WebEx provides an easy and cost-effective solution for delivering interactive live training to people anywhere. Using WebEx, you can schedule training, record training to share later, communicate with training participants as a group or individually, share content, and more.
2. Click
. A red icon appears at the bottom of the window when a recording is in process.
Join a Training Session When you registered for a training session, you received an email confirmation with a link to the session. Click the link in the email confirmation to join the session. If you received an invitation to a training session but did not register you can still join a training session. Click the registration link in the email to register and start the training session. Share Content Share content includes sharing the following: • Files such as presentations, documents, and video. • Web content like web pages or any media. • Applications from your computer. Attendees can see or interact with the application. For full details, see the Cisco WebEx Training User Guide. Connect to Audio WebEx provides you with the ability to use your telephone for audio or use your computer to listen to the meeting using headphones or speakers. Use Phone 1. From Quick Start , open the Audio Conference dialog box. 2. Select how to connect to the training session. a. Click Call Me then select a phone number or type your telephone number. b. From the drop-down list, select I will call in and follow the instructions provided. Use Computer for Audio In the Audio Conference dialog box, click Call Using Computer . Start Video Click the video icon beside your name. The icon turns green when video starts. Record a Training Session 1. In WebEx Training, click Session > Recorder Settings > Record on This Computer .
3. Click Pause recording
to pause and
start recording
During Training WebEx training has several features that help you run a meeting smoothly. Participant Panel The Participant panel displays a list of attendees and provides them with the ability to send feedback to the presenter.
The Chat and Q&A panels appears as tabs across the top and Feedback buttons appear at the bottom.
Left to right, feedback buttons are Raise Hand , Yes , No , Go Faster , Go Slower , Emoticons , Feedback Results , and Clear Feedback . Click a button to activate it. Click Raise Hand to request to speak and a hand appears beside the attendee’s name. The presenter can see the order in which hands are raised. Change Presenter Use one of the of the following to change the presenter. • Drag the WebEx ball from the last presenter to the next printer.
4. Do one of the following to let other participants join the session or to not allow others to join the session: a. Click the checkbox beside Let others join the breakout session without invitation to add a checkmark and allow other people to join the session. b. Click the checkbox beside Let others join the breakout session without invitation to remove the checkmark and prevent others from joining the session. Share File 1. From the menu bar, select Share > Content (Including video) . 2. Select one or more files. 3. Click Open . Share Whiteboard From the menu bar, select Share > Whiteboard . You can do the following: • Add multiple pages to a shared whiteboard. • Create multiple whiteboards. • Share multiple whiteboards. Edit Whiteboard Click the tools on the whiteboard toolbar to add content. – Use to point at shared whiteboard content. Displays an arrow with your name and annotation color. • Text – Type text. Click outside the text box so other users can see the text. • Line – Draw lines and arrows. Click the down arrow for more line options. • Rectangle – Draw shapes. Click the down arrow for more line options. • Highlighter – Highlight text and other items. Click the down arrow for more highlighter options. • Annotation Color – Select your annotation color. • Eraser – Erase content. From left to right, whiteboard tools include the following: • Pointer
• Mouseover a participant’s thumbnail and select Make Presenter . • In full screen mode, mouseover the docked tray at the top of the screen, click Assign > Make Presenter and select a participant. Who’s Speaking The telephone or headset icon flashes beside the speaker’s name. Invite and Remind Below the Feedback buttons, click I nvite and Remind to invite a new participant or remind • Mute/unmute one attendee – Right-click the attendees name and select Mute or Unmute . Optionally, hover of the attendee’s name and click the microphone. • Mute/ unmute all attendees – Click Participant > Mute/Unmute . Send Messages Send a message to a presenter, host, or another attendee. 1. In the Participant panel, click the Chat tab. 2. From the Send To or To drop-down list, select a recipient. 3. Type a message. 4. Press Enter on the keyboard to send the message. Breakout Sessions Breakout sessions are like breakout session in an in-person conference. The meeting host must enable Breakout Session when creating the training session. Enable Breakout Sessions 1. From the Breakout Session panel or the Breakout menu, select Allow Breakout Session . 2. From the main menu, select Participant > Assign Privileges . 3. Under Breakout Session with , click the meeting participants who can conduct breakout sessions. Create Breakout Session 1. On the Breakout Sessions panel, click Create Session . 2. In the Breakout Session dialog box Topic field, type a title for the session. 3. Click the checkbox beside the people you want to invite. someone about the meeting. Mute or Unmute Attendees
Use Annotation Tools on Shared Content Markup any shared documents, presentations, or whiteboards in the content viewer, using the toolbar that appears above the viewer. In addition, attendees can use pointers on shared documents, presentations, and whiteboards. Panels The Webex interface includes the content area and panels.
3. To add panels. a. In the Available panels list, select the panels you want to include. b. Click Add . 4. To reorder panels: a. In the Current Panels list, click the panel you want to move. b. Click the Move Up or Move Down button to move the selection. 5. To remove panels: a. In the Current Panels list, click the panel you want to remove. b. Click Remove . 6. Click OK to save your changes. Polling Gather feedback from training session attendees. Begin by creating a questionnaire then opening the poll. Prepare polls at any time—before trainings and save the poll or during training. a. Multiple Choice with one answer. b. Multiple Choice with multiple answers. c. Short Answer with text. 3. Type the question. 4. Type the possible answers (for multiple choice). 5. Click Open Poll . Participants Webex provides several options you can perform during the sessions. Right-Click Options Right-click a participant name to display the options including the following: 1. Above the Participants panel, click Polls . 2. Select the question type:
Minimize and Restore Panels Minimize panels to open more space to display content. Minimize Panel Click the X on the right side of the panel title bar.
Restore Panel Click the panel icon in the icon tray to restore.
Manage Panels Display panels in a specific order in the session window. Follow these directions to manage the panels. 1. At the end of the panel icon tray, click the down arrow . 2. From the drop-down menu select Manage Panels .
Desktop 1. From the Session Controls Panel , click Share. 2. From the drop-down menu, select Share My Desktop . Assign Sounds to Participant Actions The host can assign sounds when a participant does one of the following: • Joins a session. • Leaves a session. • Clicks Raise Hand . • Clicks Ask for Mic . 1. In the Session window select Edit > Personal Preferences . 2. Select the action type for the sound. Options are: a. Join/Leave b. Communications 3. Do one of the following to select a sound. a. From the drop-down list for an action, select a sound. The default displays all sound files at the default location. b. Click Browse to find a file. 4. Click OK . Mute All or Unmute All 1. Right-click the participant list. 2. Select Mute All from the context menu to mute all participants except the host and presenter. 3. Select Unmute All from the context menu to restore sound.
• Change Role To – Change the participant’s role to Presenter, Panelist, Attendee, or Host. • Assign Privileges – Set privileges for the attendees. Host only option. • Mute – Mute selected participant. • Unmute – Unmute selected participant. • Mute All – Mute all participants in a session. • Unmute All – Unmute all participants in a session. • Chat – Open a chat window with the participant name prepopulated. Share Content There are several options for sharing content with participants. File 1. From the Session Controls Panel , click Share. 2. From the drop-down menu, select Share File (Including Video) . 3. Do one of the following: a. If you need to open the file, select From My Computer . b. If the file is open, select it from the list.
4. Select the file to share. 5. Click Open .
Mute or Unmute a Someone Including Yourself 1. Right-click your name in the Participant list. 2. Select Mute from the context menu. 3. Select Unmute to restore sound. Change Audio on the Fly Change audio from your computer to your phone or from your phone to your computer.
1. From the Session Controls Panel , click Share. 2. From the drop-down menu, select Share Application . 3. Do one of the following: a. If the application is running, select the application. b. If it is not open, select Share a New Application .
Change Audio from Computer to Phone 1. Open the Audio Conference dialog box from one of the following locations: a. Participant window. b. Audio menu. c. Session Controls Panel. d. Quick Start. 2. Beside Use Phone , click the down arrow. 3. Do the following: a. Call the number in the Use Phone area. b. Type the access code when prompted. c. Type the attendee ID when prompted. When the phone is connected, computer auidio is automatically disconnected. Change Audio from Phone to Computer 1. Open the Audio Conference dialog box from one of the following locations: a. Participant window. b. Audio menu. c. Session Controls Panel. d. Quick Start. 2. Beside Use Computer for Audio , click the down arrow. 3. Select Switch to Using Computer. When the computer is connected, phone audio is automatically disconnected. Share Recorded Training After a training recording is complete, WebEx Training Center automatically generates a URL. The URL appears on the Recording Information page. Copy the URL and send it by email or instant message. End Training As the conference host, click End Training on the lower right part of the screen to end training for all participants. Manage Recordings 1. From WebEx, click My WebEx > My Files > My Recordings > Training Sessions . 2. Do the following: Session
3. Click the recording name to view the Recording Information screen. Select the following to perform the corresponding action: a. Play Now – Play recording. b. Send Email – Send the recording. c. Select or copy the streaming link to play the recording. d. Select or copy the download link to download. e. Modify – Edit recording. f. Delete – Remove recording. g. Disable – Recording is temporarily unavailable. h. Re-assign – Re-assign to another host. i. Back to List – Return to recording list. 4. Click Add Recording to add the selected recording to another recording. Evaluations An evaluation option is not available in WebEx Training. Instead, create a survey in a tool like SurveyMonkey . When you create a training session, add a link in the Destination address (URL) after session field. Manage Training Session WebEx Training Center provides several tools to
help your training session go smoothly. Invite Others after the Session Begins
If you realize you forgot to invite some after starting your session, follow these directions to invite them. 1. Click Quick Start . 2. Click Invite & Remind .
3. In the Meeting URL sections at the page bottom, click Copy . 4. Click the appropriate message delivery option. Options include:
a. Click Playback
to listen to the
recording. b. Click Email
to send the recording.
a. Email. b. Phone.
c. Click More to see the options Download, Modify, Disable, Reassign, and Delete.
c. SMS (Text Message). d. IM (Instant Message).
Invite by Email 1. In the Invite and Remind dialog box, click the Email option.
2. In the Invitee Mobile Number field, type the invitee’s mobile phone number. 3. Click Send . Invite by IM 1. In the Invite and Remind dialog box, click the IM option. 2. Click Invite .
2. On the Email tab do one of the following: a. In the Invitees field, type one or more email addresses and click Send . b. Click the Invite with your local email link to send an invitation with your default email application. Invite by Phone 1. In the Invite and Remind dialog box, click the Phone option.
3. In the Invite More dialog box, type the person’s screen name or domain name and repeat as necessary. 4. Click Invite . Find Screen Names 1. In the Invite More dialog box, click the Address Book. 2. Select users from the address book. 3. From the Method drop-down list, select the appropriate method.
2. In the Invitee Name field, type the person’s name. 3. In the Phone Number field, type the invitee phone number. 4. Click Call . Speak to the invitee privately then add to the session. If the session hasn’t started, the invitee receives a phone call to join the audio. Invite by SMS 1. In the Invite and Remind dialog box, click the SMS option.
4. Click Invite .
Change the method as needed.
Ask Another Participant to Present Materials There are two ways someone can become a presenter: • The first person to join a training session is considered the presenter. • As the host you can pass the ball to make an attendee a presenter before a session or during a session. Choose one of the following ways to pass the ball: • From the participant list, move the ball from one presenter to another, choose the attendee’s name, then click Make Presenter . • Mouse over an attendee’s thumbnail and click Make Presenter . Change Presenter When Sharing When you are sharing a file, application, or your desktop, as the host, you can make someone else the presenter. 1. In full-screen mode, mouseover the bottom of the docked tray. 2. Click Assign . 3. Click Make Presenter . 4. Select a participant. Tracking Participant Attention During a training session, WebEx can detect whether a user is paying attention. For example, an attendee might do one of the following: • Minimize the training session window. • Make another window active over the session window. Check the overall group attentiveness and whether individuals are paying attention. Individual Attention A red exclamation mark appears beside the attendee’s name. Check Group Attention On the Participant’s panel toolbar, click the red exclamation mark button.
you edit the session. If you add a test when you set up the training session, you can only add a previously created test. Add an existing test when you create the session. You cannot create a new test until Follow these directions to add a test. Add Test During Scheduling 1. In the Test section, click Add Test . 2. Select a test. 3. Click Next . 4. In the Test Title field, type a descriptive title for the test. 5. In the Delivery method field, select an option: a. Start this test within a live session. b. Deliver this test on the website (pre-session and post-session test). 6. In the Time limit field, select an option. a. No time limit. b. Attendees must finish the test within [number of minutes] minutes. 7. In the Email attendees field, click the checkbox to send the test score and grade report. (Checked by default.) If you don’t want to send the test, click to remove the checkmark. 8. In the Attempt limit field, select an option: a. Allow attendees to take the test [number] time(s). b. No limit.
9. Click Save .
Create a New Test 1. From the WebEx training tab click Host a Session > Test Library . 2. On the bottom right, click Create New Test .
3. In the Test Title field, type a descriptive title. 4. In the Test Description field, describe the test as needed. 5. In the Maximum score section, if you want to add a maximum score, click the checkbox then type the maximum score in the field.
Use Tests in a Session You have the option to add tests when creating a training session or after the session is created if
6. Click the Grades checkbox to assign grades based on the student’s score then do the following: a. Click Specify Grades . b. In the Score column type the score range.
Score Test Tests with answers you select or multiple-choice questions are automatically scored. However, tests with essay questions or fill-in the blank questions need to be scored manually. Follow these directions to score a test. 1. Do one of the following: a. From the Session Information screen, click Score & Report . b. From the Manage Test screen, in the Student Answers section, click View and Score Answers. 2. Beside an attendee’s name, click Score Answers . 3. Do the following for questions that need to be scored manually. a. In the Unscored Questions section, select the question from the drop-down list, and click Go . b. To change a score, click Correct or Incorrect and click Save . 4. Type comments. 5. Click Save . Save Chat and Polling Questions and Answers Save Change, Polls, and Poll answers to text (.txt) files. Save Chat 1. From the Session window select File > Save > Chat . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . 1. From the menu bar, select File > Save > Poll Questions . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . Save Poll Answers Close the poll before saving the answers. 1. From the menu bar, select File > Save > Poll Results . 2. Select the location where you want to save the file. 3. Type a name for the file. 4. Click Save . Save Poll
c. In the Grade column, type the letter grade that corresponds to the score range. d. Click Save . 7. In Display question , select whether to display all test questions on one page or display one question per page. 8. Click Insert Questions on the right side of the page. a. In the Insert Question dialog box, select the type of question to insert.
b. From the Question Type drop-down list, select the type of question you want to create. The fields change depending on the question type you select.
c. In the Question field, type your question. d. In the Answer section, type the answer. For multiple choice questions, type the possible answers then click the radio button for the correct answer. e. Click Save after each question. f. Repeat as needed to complete your test. 9. After adding your questions, click Save .
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